About Us

About us

What We Offer

Promoting Learning Activities for the Young, Inc. takes great care in providing an individualized plan of therapy for the children we serve, led by our experienced and trained staff. All care is provided in the natural environment of the family to best fit the unique preferences and priorities of each family. We know that infants and toddlers learn best when they feel secure and comfortable. Our team will help families develop confidence and competence in understanding their child’s individual needs.

  • Child Development Services
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech-Language Therapy
  • Parent Training

A Fun and Dynamic Learning Experience

We believe each family deserves a caring and committed interventionist to support the child and family through the early intervention process. Interventionists collaborate with families, understanding that parents know their child best in order to create individualized activities to support infants’ and toddlers’ cognitive, motor, communication, social and emotional skills. We recognize that when activities are individualized within each family’s daily routines, the child has the opportunity to maximize his/her potential.

The Child Development Specialist (CDS) is the core provider of early intervention services to infants, toddlers, and their families. They understand the role of primary social and emotional relationships as the foundation for early learning. They encourage interactions and activities that help in the development of secure infant/parent relationships. The CDS is proficient in the range of typical infant/toddler physiological factors including early neurological/brain development, basic health and nutrition, physical growth, and maturation. They provide strategies to foster development in all domains that are centered on the importance of play as an outcome for learning.

Occupational Therapist strengthen fine motor skills including any and all activities involving functional life skills and play, based on the child’s developmental milestones and skills required for real life activities. Pediatric Occupational Therapists use play-based techniques and routines that are designed to target areas of delay and difficulty. Occupational therapists are trained in therapy with a sensory integration approach that uses play-like activities to help children adequately process and tolerate the information they get through their senses. Some therapists will have a specialty in feeding and swallowing and hold appropriate certification.

Speech and Language Pathologist assess and provide treatment for individuals with speech, language, swallowing and cognitive communication disorders.  Speech Therapists will focus on receptive language, expressive language, oral motor skills, pitch, fluency, and volume.​

Our therapists provide guidance to parents who are experiencing challenges with their child’s behavior. They will create positive behavioral strategies that will strengthen the relationship between parent and child.

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